Does Sexuality Matter in the NFL
Ryan Russell, a three-year NFL veteran, discussing his sexuality as part of his method to be transparent in attempt to return to the league.

Demarcus Cousins Facing Jail time for Baby Mama Death Threat
According to TMZ, Demarcus Cousins has a warrant issued for his arrest due to threatening to put a bullet in baby Mama’s head.

Gun Control Laws vs. White Privilege
Gun control laws directly infringe on white privilege which is why we are having issues with it. Majority of gun owners in the United States

Dave Chappelle - Why He is A Comedy Icon
Dave Chappelle represents this generation's idea of a comedy genius. His comedy jokes are littered with profanities and overt racial ove

Jidenna Releases A New Classic Album 85 To Africa
Jidenna dropped a new album yesterday and after listening for a few minutes, I knew he had arrived on the scene. The album, 85 to Africa is